Stefan Fuchs, Chief Consumer Officer - Flanker Brands

  • In 2023 Stefan Fuchs became Chief Consumer Officer - Flanker Brands and as such remains responsible for all activities with the flanker brands.

  • Stefan became responsible for the Flanker Brands, former YOL, in 2022, reflecting the growing importance of yallo, Lebara and swype

  • Prior to this, Stefan has led marketing, customer experience and business intelligence at UPC as Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). Stefan was Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) of UPC Switzerland from January 2020 and Chief Marketing Officer of Sunrise UPC from December 2020

  • Stefan has been part of the Liberty Global Group for more than 10 years. He steered international positioning and the marketing of LG’s products in Amsterdam (Netherlands). He has also held leading marketing positions with Virgin Media in London (Great Britain) and with Unitymedia in Cologne (Germany).

  • From 2001 to 2007 he was active as a strategic management consultant for Booz Allen Hamilton and afterwards involved in establishing the start-up Entavio/HD Plus with SES Astra.

  • As a lecturer and external doctoral candidate at the chair of Marketing & Media at Bauhaus University, Weimar, Stefan received his doctorate with the thesis: “Feature films on television – viewer prognoses and monetary assessment of broadcasting rights.”

  • Prior to this, Stefan studied with the European Business Programme (EBP) in Münster (Germany), Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Fairfield (USA) and received a double degree in International Business Administration.