Report a fraud case / misconduct

So that we can process your complaint, please be sure to fill in all fields marked with an * and provide us with copies of all necessary documentation.

Your personal information
Information on your case
Please choose from the selection below*
Upload ID copy (front and back)
Upload report of loss
Upload criminal complaint. You haven't received confirmation of your criminal complaint? Please upload information, such as the following contact data for the police station: Cantonal police Zürich in Oerlikon, police contact: Mr. Doe, contact number of the police: 076 666 66 66, police e-mail:
Upload a copy of your signature

I confirm that I have read the conditions and information relating to my complaint and declare that the information I have provided is accurate.

Upload ID copy (front and back)
Upload report of loss
Upload criminal complaint. You haven't received confirmation of your criminal complaint? Please upload information, such as the following contact data for the police station: Cantonal police Zürich in Oerlikon, police contact: Mr. Doe, contact number of the police: 076 666 66 66, police e-mail:
Upload a copy of your signature

I confirm that I have read the conditions and information relating to my complaint and declare that the information I have provided is accurate.

Upload ID copy (front and back)
Upload criminal complaint. You haven't received confirmation of your criminal complaint? Please upload information, such as the following contact data for the police station: Cantonal police Zürich in Oerlikon, police contact: Mr. Doe, contact number of the police: 076 666 66 66, police e-mail:
Upload a copy of your signature

I confirm that I have read the conditions and information relating to my complaint and declare that the information I have provided is accurate.

Upload ID copy (front and back)
Upload criminal complaint. You haven't received confirmation of your criminal complaint? Please upload information, such as the following contact data for the police station: Cantonal police Zürich in Oerlikon, police contact: Mr. Doe, contact number of the police: 076 666 66 66, police e-mail:
Upload a copy of your signature

I confirm that I have read the conditions and information relating to my complaint and declare that the information I have provided is accurate.
