
What's Sunrise QoQa?

  • 1. Sunrise Internet Unlimited for only CHF 39 per month for life!

    2. QoQa voucher of CHF 300 distributed by QoQa

    • Upload/download speed: up to 1000 Mbit/s (very fast)
    • Fixed network connection included
    • Price: only CHF 39.- per month instead of CHF 90/month (provided the tariff plan is maintained)
    • Exceptional 57% discount

    Always automatically and free of charge the maximum technically possible range!

    Depending on the address where Sunrise Internet Unlimited is used, we automatically recommend the best connection option available when ordering: optical fibre or VDSL.


  • In addition to Sunrise Internet Unlimited, you will receive a QoQa voucher worth CHF 300. You can use this voucher with all QoQa offers (excluding Sushi-trains).

    You will only receive your voucher when you activate a Sunrise Internet Unlimited sub-scription as described below.

    • From 31.08.2020 a voucher will be added directly to your QoQa-account, it will be available directly during your next order.
    • You can use it for all QoQa offers except Sushi Train.
    • If the voucher amount is not used on the first order, the balance will be carried over.
    • Important: You must use the QoQa voucher within 6 months.
    • Voucher to be redeemed by 15.07.2020
  • Yes, commissioning can be scheduled within a maximum of 120 days.
  • • For Sunrise Internet Unlimited: min. 16 Mbit/s

    • Important note: If your connection is a copper line, your maximum data rate may be less than 500 Mbit/s.

  • Yes, the connection to the basic fixed network is included free of charge.
  • Yes, but beware of the rates your current operator might charge in case of change. Please contact your current operator for this. In addition, the number portability date (i.e. the transfer of the existing landline number to the new subscription) can be set a maxi-mum of 120 days after the order date.