WE Mobile L 50% off
Unlimited surfing in Switzerland and Europe
50% discount for 24 months when you sign up for a new We Mobile L.
For your family and friends: Each additional subscription for only CHF 40.–/Mt. Without minimum contract period and forever.
Valid with new We Mobile L or M light orders, with or without a device plan. The following provisions apply: 24 months minimum contract duration, 24 months discount duration. The customer will lose the discount if they switch to a subscription with a lower monthly fee within the minimum contract duration. If the customer switches to a subscription with a higher basic fee, they will keep the original discount. This offer does not apply to existing Mobile or any other mobile plan with discounted basic fees. Sunrise reserves the right to introduce additional exclusions. Offer only valid on the first mobile subscription in the Sunrise We Mobile Pack.
Subscription name
Basic fee /mo.
We Mobile M light
CHF 65.-
CHF -32.50
We Mobile L
CHF 80.-
CHF -40.10
Offer valid from 07/12/ to 14/12/2020. One-time activation fee (incl. SIM card) of CHF 55.–.
Valid with new We Mobile L orders, with or without a device plan. The following provisions apply: 24 months minimum contract duration, 24 months discount duration. The customer will lose the discount if they switch to a subscription with a lower monthly fee within the minimum contract duration. If the customer switches to a subscription with a higher basic fee, they will keep the original discount. This offer does not apply to existing Mobile or any other mobile plan with discounted basic fees. Sunrise reserves the right to introduce additional exclusions. Offer only valid on the first mobile subscription in the Sunrise We Mobile Pack.
Subscription name
Basic fee /mo.
Discounted basic fee /mo.
We Mobile L
CHF 80.-
CHF -40.10
CHF 39.90
Offer valid from 29/04/ to 03/05/2021. One-time activation fee (incl. SIM card) of CHF 55.–.