VoLTE - Voice over LTE

Sunrise VoLTE - 4G Network voice calling

VoLTE allows you to make phone calls directly via the latest-generation 4G+ Sunrise mobile network using your LTE-capable smartphone.


Activating VoLTE

Here you will find the guide to activate VoLTE.

Check if your phone supports VoLTE

If you're not sure whether your phone supports VoLTE, check the following:

  1. During a call, a VoLTE symbol should appear on your screen. The 4G or 5G symbol should also remain visible. Depending on the device and operating system, the VoLTE symbol may vary, but it is often displayed as the text "VoLTE".

  2. If the 4G or 5G symbol appears on your phone but disappears during a call, VoLTE may not be enabled, or your phone may not support it.


VoLTE calls will be billed as normal calls according to your current subscription.

Your advantages

  • Faster call setup compared to 3G

  • Simultaneous calling and surfing

  • enables switching from Wi-Fi Calling to the mobile network and vice versa