1. TV Box – why customers receive varying models
In order to watch Sunrise TV, you don’t just need an Internet connection from Sunrise, but also a TV receiver. There are two types of receiver: the Sunrise IPTV Box and the Sunrise TV Box. If you have a fiber-optic connection at home, you’ll receive the small, newer IPTV Box. IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) means television over the Internet. On the other hand, if your TV uses a cable connection, you’ll need the larger Sunrise TV Box.
The large box is the Sunrise TV Box. The smaller one is the Sunrise IPTV Box.
Good to know: The only difference between the two TV Boxes is the design. Everything else – the control, menu navigation and functions – is exactly the same.
You’ll find more useful information about the TV Box on our Sunrise YouTube channel. There, you can watch videos on topics such as how to install your Sunrise IPTV Box and what to do if there’s a fault.
2. Tips from the editorial team – if you need a movie tip
Every two weeks, we give you new recommendations on the latest streaming and Video-on-Demand offers. You’ll find the tips on the home screen. You can access this by pressing the round home icon on your remote control.
You’ll find the tips from the editorial team right at the bottom of the home screen.
Jasmin Leuthold works in our Sunrise TV editorial team. In this interview, you’ll find out more about her and her job.
Tips from the Sunrise TV editorial team
Jasmin, you put together the recommendations from the editorial team. How do you do this?
I have twelve slots that I can fill with content. So I make sure to create a good mix and choose content for every possible target group.
What do you consider when making your selection?
People around me often give me ideas. I also include new series and movies in my selection and I prefer mixing up different genres so that there’s something for everyone.
Where does your TV expertise come from?
I’ve been interested in the movie industry ever since I was a child. My first job was at a movie distributor and I learned a lot about movies working there. Later I moved to Admeira and got really involved in the world of TV advertising.
Does your own personal taste play a role in the selection you make?
My personal taste plays a limited role. I try to imagine I’m one of our customers and ask myself what they’d really like to watch.
How do you use Sunrise TV?
I use it to watch linear television. I enjoy series like Grey’s Anatomy and sports, especially alpine skiing.
3. Profiles – your favorite programs at a glance
If you click on the three dots, you’ll get to the options. And they’re different depending on which page you’re on.
If you tilt your remote control slightly to the left, you’ll see a button with a person icon on it at the top right. Click on it to access the profile page. Here you can create up to six user or topic profiles.
Each profile has its own favorites list and personal settings. Our tip: Create a sports profile with all the sports channels. And if you have children living in your household, it’s a good idea to create a profile for them with children’s programs.
4. Oneplus – the new Swiss streaming service is included
The new Swiss streaming service Oneplus is included in your Sunrise TV subscription.
The new Swiss streaming platform Oneplus offers unlimited access to original productions from the TV channel 3+ and a wide range of Swiss and international movies, documentaries and series. With the Sunrise Up TV XL or L subscription, a Sunrise edition of Oneplus featuring exclusive benefits is included free of charge. This means you can enjoy the latest episodes of programs like «Bachelor», «Bauer, ledig, sucht», etc. before everyone else. And with our XL subscription, the whole family can benefit – that’s because you can stream Oneplus on up to four devices.
5. Options – you can do a lot more than you think
Wenn du auf die drei Punkte drückst, gelangst du zu den Optionen. Auch zum Teletext gelangst du via Optionen-Taste.
The three dots on your remote control will take you to the options. Different options are available to you depending on what you’re doing at the time. If you’re watching a program, you can use this button to switch on subtitles, for example. You can also access teletext via the options button – provided the TV channel offers teletext.
6. Multiscreen – Sunrise TV for at home and on the go
On the sofa in the comfort of your own home, traveling on a train or on vacation – a Sunrise TV subscription means you can watch TV wherever you want. It’s the Sunrise TV App that makes this possible, and you can download it to your mobile or tablet. You’ll find the app in the Google Play Store and the App Store. If you want to watch Sunrise TV on your PC or laptop, simply go to www.sunrisetv.ch and log in with your Sunrise login details. Sunrise TV also works on Apple TV, Android TV and Fire TV.