«The in-store shopping experience has a significant impact on the level of customer satisfaction,» says Martin Brüllhardt, Head of POS (Point of Sale) Experience at Sunrise. «To be flexible in planning and implementing activities in our stores, we’re automating today’s manual processes with One Door to create a solution that allows us to deliver the right communication to the right shop.» adds Jessica Barczyk, shop visual merchandising manager: «The better a product is placed in a shop and the sooner customers see a promotion, the better the experience for the customer. One Door makes our employees’ work easier and more enjoyable.» With One Door, Excel sheets that used to be created manually are now being created digitally. The shop agents are faster, which means they have more time to provide the best service to the customer.
The tool that simplifies the shop workflow
One Door is a fully integrated, cloud-based visual merchandising platform. It helps shop agents plan their displays and design their shop. The tool standardises shop workflows and improves collaboration between the POS team at company headquarters in Opfikon and the Sunrise shop teams spread across Switzerland.
From Excel sheet to One Door
One Door uses the shop layout to program exactly which Samsung, iPhone or 3rd-brand device should be placed where. It stipulates which accessory should be hung at which point on the «Flying Wall», which promotion should be shown and which devices should be placed on the power table in the middle of the shop. What used to be created manually on an Excel sheet with 100 tabs and a large PDF file is now created by One Door in the cloud.
One Door at a glance
Each shop is mapped individually and to scale
Detailed and individual placement instructions for each shop can be viewed quickly.
Clear visual placement instructions
All new and ongoing campaigns are easy to implement.
Centralised information and communication platform
The agents use the tool to cooperate closely with the PEX team at Ambassador House.
Report problems
Any missing or damaged advertising materials and hardware can be reported easily using the platform.
Floorplan of the shop showing how to implement the shop set-up.
Colour codes show what needs to be removed or moved, and anything new that needs to be added.
The merchandising cloud means that employees now have access to a detailed overview of the current shop set-up, new promotions and the inventory in the shop at all times. Shop-related surveys can also be completed by shop agents in the tool and evaluated by the regional sales managers and POS team. The agents can also report error messages and problems directly via One Door, which speeds up the process.
In summary, Hezer Krasniqi, One Door project manager, says: «Using the One Door platform will not only standardise and enhance the shopping experience for customers in store, but will also help our employees work more effectively and efficiently, maximising their shop’s potential.»
Paperless Shop: more digital – less paper
Ahead of the launch of One Door, the «Paperless Shop» project was launched in spring 2024 with the aim of reducing the amount of paper used and embracing digital information. There were many different reasons for this:
Speed: There’s no longer a need for graphics, printing and mailing, which reduces the time-to-market.
Communication: Straight from head office in digital form; customers constantly receive the latest news and the appearance is consistent.
Sustainability: No paper and less space taken up by flyers, etc.
Cost effectiveness
The situation today is that there are hardly any brochures or flyers in the Sunrise shops and each employee writes their own name badge.