As a business customer, are you satisfied with our services and wish other SMEs to benefit from them?
When you convince an SME of Sunrise, you and your contact will each receive a premium of CHF 200 credited to the account.
All Sunrise SME customers with a postpaid mobile and/or WIN subscription may participate in the premium offer.
All Sunrise Freedom mobile subscriptions, Sunrise Office Internet products, and Sunrise Office Pro products.
Yes. For each recommended SME that becomes a customer, you will be credited with a premium valued at CHF 200.
You can recommend any Swiss SME that is not yet a Sunrise customer.
If you have questions, please send them to .
The offer is reserved only for Sunrise business customers and may not be commercially used by any third parties.
The recommendation must become a Sunrise customer within 60 days after the recommendation in order for the offer to be valid.
The premium will be credited to your account after your recommended contact has paid the first invoice.
We reserve the right to determine the authenticity of the recommendation and therefore, also the right to delay transfer of the premium or cancel it if there are indications of abuse. Your data will be handled in line with our data protection policy.
We reserve the right to end the offer at any time or adjust the amount of the premium.