We are ready! It seems you are too! 😍

    You are one step closer to your new better high-speed Internet. We are happy to offer you a new Internet experience. On this page you will find everything else you want to know about your new product.

      What will I receive in 4 weeks?

      More reliable and even better internet!

      To give you even better and more reliable internet at home, we will send you the brand new Connect Box.

      Since your modem is being replaced by a modem with HFC technology, you also need to make sure you have an HFC outlet available. Please check whether you have an HFC outlet at home as soon as possible (but at any rate before receiving the new device).

      This is what these outlets look like:

      Important: If you do not have such an outlet, please contact our team of experts: 0800 707 440

       Our experts can then ensure that your Internet works smoothly.

    What are your new advantages?