Information about my bill

Are you having trouble understanding your bill or locating individual items or information?

We will explain your Sunrise bill step by step and page by page.

Your Sunrise bill: Explained page by page

Outstanding amount from the previous month

Here, you will see the total outstanding amount from the previous month. This line will appear even if all charges have been paid.



If the line «Outstanding amount previous month» is missing on your bill, it means that you are still receiving an older version of the Sunrise bill. In this case, the switch to the new bill layout will take place during 2023.

Check my bills
Overview of your Sunrise products

Here, you can see an overview of your Sunrise products and the total costs. Discounts and promotions are already deducted.

Please use the pre-printed information on your QR-bill to make the payment. If the amount field is empty, please enter the outstanding amount manually during the payment process. This can happen if there was an outstanding amount from the previous month that has been paid in the meantime (payment overlap).

discounts and promotions

Your savings result from discounts and promotions. A detailed breakdown can be found in a gray box further down on the bill.

Bill overview on the 1st page
VAT declaration

Your Sunrise products and services are subject to a 8.1% value-added tax (until the end of 2023, 7.7%).

No value-added tax is listed for accessories and devices, since you already received a value-added tax declaration outlining the total costs at the start of your device plan.

We do not charge value-added tax separately for products and services from third parties (e.g., Netflix, Apple). This is already included in the product price.

VAT declaration on the 2nd page
Subscription fees

Your subscription fees are billed in advance on a monthly basis. Any additional services you use throughout the month are billed retroactively.

Actual monthly amount

Under «Instead of CHF», you can view the gross amount for your services. Under «Amount in CHF», you will find the actual monthly amount after your discount has been deducted.

Your monthly product costs starting on the 3rd page

Special case – first bill

In this case, the subscription fee for the first month will be charged on a prorated basis, immediately after signing the contract.

More about your first bill


Special case – subscription switch

In this case, the subscription fee for the first month will be charged on a prorated basis in the second month.

More about your first bill after a subscription switch


Special case – first bill after purchasing a new subscription

In this case, we will not charge you the subscription fee and the additional services for the first month until the second month.

More about your first bill after purchasing an additional subscription

Detailed connection information

You can receive your detailed call statement attached to your bill upon request (the call statement is always included digitally and you cannot opt out of this service).
Here you will find an overview of all phone calls made as well as costs for roaming, mobile data, SMS etc. that have been incurred in the past month, including respective durations and costs.

You receive paper bills and would like to either order or stop receiving your detailed call statement?
You can change these settings yourself in My Sunrise under «Bills».

Detailled connection information
Your savings in detail

Here, we break down your savings resulting from discounts and promotions by phone number.

Your discounts and promotions in detail