Here you can find an overview of the different status displayed for repair orders created in the Sunrise Business portals
Repair order status
Repair requested: the repair order has been placed.
Repair submitted: the repair order has been successfully submitted.
Waiting for device: the repair center is waiting for the device sent by the customer
Device received: the device associated with the repair order has been received by the repair center.
Repair in progress: the device is under repair by the repair center.
Repair completed - awaiting device shipment: the device has been repaired by the repair center is about to be shipped back.
Repair completed - device shipped: the device has been repaired by the repair center and has been shipped back.
Waiting for approval - cost estimate: the repair order has a cost that must be approved to be carried out.
Cost estimate approved: the cost of the repair order has been approved and the process is going to be carried out.
Execute repair: the repair center has confirmed the execution of the device repair.
Repair cost rejected - device return: the repair cost has been rejected and the device will be shipped back.
Repair cost rejected - device disposal: the repair cost has been rejected and the device will be disposed.
Device cannot be repaired: the device cannot be repaired due to extreme damage, multiple or not readily identifiable problems.
Cancelled: the repair order has been cancelled due to inactivity (no response from the user) or technical reasons.
General delay: the device order has a general delay.
Apple delay - “Find My": the device repair is delayed due to the "Find My" feature on an Apple device - the user must switch turn it off at iCloud .
Samsung delay - “Find my Mobile“: the device repair is delayed due to the "find my device" feature on a Samsung device - the user must switch turn it off at .
Delay - activation lock: the device repair is delayed due to the "activation lock" feature on an Apple device - the user must switch turn it off at iCloud .
Delay - external repair: the device repair is delayed due to the need for an external repair center.