Monthly price (CHF) 29.90
Instead of 33.80

Monthly price (CHF) 29.90 Instead of 33.80 Select

Rate details
  • Teleclub Channel 1 Teleclub Cinema HD
  • Teleclub Channel 2 Teleclub Action HD
  • Teleclub Channel 3 Teleclub Emotion HD

More information

  • Sunrise Home Unlimited (Sunrise One) and all subscriptions from Sunrise Office.
    Only for customers in German-speaking Switzerland.
  • The option is activated immediately after registration
  • 12 months for the basic package Teleclub Movie HD
    3 months for add-on packages
  • After the minimum contract duration runs out, the option will renew monthly.
  • Cancellation with a cancellation period of 3 months to the end of the minimum duration period; after that with a cancellation period of 3 months to the end of each contract month.

    After cancellation, the option can be used until the contract month is over.
    The option is automatically cancelled when the TV subscription is cancelled. If the minimum contract duration for the Teleclub option is not reached, the monthly fees for the option or the individual options must be paid by the end of the minimum contract duration.
  • The fee for the option is invoiced at activation. The fee for the option is automatically invoiced on a monthly basis or with renewal of the option, and until the option is cancelled.
  • The Teleclub subscription can be migrated from another TV provider to Sunrise TV. A contractual penalty is not charged for failure to comply with the minimum duration. The minimum duration will simply start over again with Sunrise TV.

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