Permanently delete a business mobile number
The «Cease subscription» feature allows you to delete the mobile subscription permanently (this action cannot be undone). Once you cease a subscription, the mobile number will be deactivated on the date you have requested, and eventually you won't be able to use this number anymore.
Cease subscription
By clicking on «Edit» in the subscription window, from the main page a pop-up will be displayed.
The deleting mobile number process starts after choosing the «Cease subscription» option.
The following information is provided on the new page:
Mobile number: the selected number is set to be discontinued.
Product: indicates the rate plan associated with the subscription.
Execution date: the scheduled date for terminating the subscription.
*Note: Please, check your current contract duration and notice period, early termination fees might be applied by your current provider.
After checking the request details, please confirm the cancellation by clicking on the «Confirm» button.
This will be followed by a success message to confirm that the request has been submitted successfully.
*Note: In case your company's policy requires an approval for this type of request, the operation will be carried out only after the confirmation of the designated person in your organization.