Manage your SBC profile information
The My profile section brings all the information related to your SBC user. From this page you can check and modify some your profile data.
This section has two main information widgets:
In the Personal details block, you can see and edit* your personal information, which is used as default data for service/product orders.
Hint: the "Language" attribute sets the preferred language to be used later for communications between Sunrise and you (via e-mail and SMS for example). The portal language is defined by the language menu located at the top right of the page, and this setting is stored for your next session.
*Editing personal details is not possible if your company has Active Directory integration with Sunrise.The Account information brings more technical information associated with your SBC profile. Also very important, you can change your portal password directly from this widget using the related button.
Change/Reset password is not possible if your company has Active Directory integration with Sunrise.