Check additional details related to a request placed in Sunrise Business Cockpit
On the «View request details» page more information related to a specific request is provided, such as order references, detailed status and timeline.
View request details
After selecting a request and clicking on the «View details» button from the «My requests » section, the «View request details» page will be loaded with additional information about the request.
This page displays the following details:
Subscription: the first/last name (subscriber details) and the number of the mobile subscription associated with the request.
Type: the category (new, transfer, cease) and sub-category (subscription, extra SIM, device) of the submitted request.
Approval status: reflects the approbation status of the request.
Not required: an approval is not necessary for the submitted request.
Pending: the request waiting to be approved by someone from your company*.
Approved: the request was approved by someone from your company*.
Declined: the request was rejected by someone from you company.
Expired: the request was not approved within 30 days*.
Not applicable: the request was cancelled by you before approval was provided.
* Approvers are defined by your organization
Request status: indicates the main milestones of the request.
Submitted: the request has been formally presented for consideration, review or processing.
Approved: the request was approved by someone from your company (if the approval is required)*.
In execution: the stage where the request is actively carried out.
Completed: the request process was finalized.
* Approvers are defined by your organizationFor every request the additional information is displayed:
Product: name of the product associated with the request.
Price: it will be displayed for each product (if you are paying it with your personal credit card).
Order reference: the order number associated with the request created in Sunrise CRM; if there is no generated order, then this field remains blank.
Order status: the order status of the request process is divided in 3 categories:
Completed: the order process was finalized.
In progress: the request has been approved and now is being processed.
Cancelled: the order was cancelled.
Cancel request: the cancellation of the request shall be possible only before the approval takes place (approval pending) or in case of approval not needed before an order is created.